Survival Systems
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Neural Organization Work holds as its premise that everything that happens to us on a physical, chemical, or emotional level must be processed through one or more of the basic survival systems. Our reaction to these stimuli will not be random but one of a chain reaction of neuro-biochemical events designed to compensate and maximize our survivability. Our nervous system will accomplish and navigate this compensatory state by constantly monitoring both the internal and external environment. Much of the sensory input is processed subconscious utilizing a vast array of information gathering sensors in our skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments called mechano-receptors or commonly referenced as proprioceptors.
From the beginning of life, in utero through childhood and adult, N.O.T. recognizes that our nervous system is continuingly processing information thru the pre-programmed neural pathways of the primitive neonatal reflexes described here as survival systems of fight/flight, feeding, reproduction and immune.  These systems are present in all living things allowing the continuation of life while adapting to any and all challenges in our environment.

Neural Organization Technique focuses on functional neurology of the Fight/Flight system by initially recalibrating sensory input devices (mechano-receptors) in our skin, muscles, tendons, ligament, joints and bones with a comprehensive understanding the role of the vestibular reflex systems.  An example of aberration within the vestibular systems and associated cohort pathways is believed to be the key to understanding and successfully treating the condition of scoliosis.  

The second survival system of Feeding is interpreted primarily through the coordinated jaw movements which direct digestive function.

The third survival system of Reproduction is interpreted through the endocrine system, recognizing that hormones represent the body’s non-electrical communication system.

The Immune system, an internal survival system, can be thought of as the glue that holds life together and is the most complex due to its dynamic homeostatic nature.  

The fundamental premise of Neural Organization Technique is to re-establish optimal neural function by resetting neural pathways and undoing compensatory states.  By restoring neural function back to its optimal original state, the concept of rehabilitation and or retraining is no longer the highest priority.  To reach this organized neurological state, we look at how sensory information (afferent stimuli) about our environment is gathered, processed, and interpreted knowing that the (efferent) response must be consistent with the concept of survival and the preservation of the species.